Google Summer of Code 2015

Both Sage and the Lmonade project were selected for Google’s Summer of Code 2015. If you are an eligible student, you should consider applying. If you need ideas what to work on, there are many fine projects/project ideas on either the Lmonade or the Sage GSoC pages. In particular, here are the fplll project ideas, for which I could be one of the two mentors.

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LMonade GSoC 2014 Accepted Projects

The list of accepted projects of this year’s Google Summer of Code is out. For the list of accepted projects for Sage see here, for the LMonade project see below, for all other accepted projects see Google’s site. I am going to mentor William’s M1RI project together with Clément Pernet. It’s going to be a blast.

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Sage & LMonade GSOC 2014

This year Sage and lmonade are mentoring organizations for the Google Summer of Code again. We have many exciting projects for students to work (from home) over the summer, get mentored by experts in the field and get paid by Google.

Note that projects are not limited to the ideas presented on these pages. That is, if you have a nice project you’d like to propose, by all means do so! The application deadline for students is March 21st. These days they should be talking to potential mentors and forming an applications. If you know any student who might be interested or have access to any forum such students might read, please forward this announcement.